So, how do you start your day off? Are you a snooze button slapping person? Are you a sleep through the alarm kinda guy? Are you a set the clock at the latest possible time to allow you to still get to work slurping coffee and munching on a donut as you arrive at your desk?
I hope not too many of you are that way, but, truth is, I used to be one of those. I'd hit the snooze button (ok, side bar here: Snooze buttons are of the devil) as many times as I possible could, until I knew that I had just enough time to grab coffee, hit a shower, and rush out the door just in time to see my first patient of the day.
May I just say, that is not the most productive way to start your day? Well, I'm gonna say it anyway. It's not the most productive way to start your day. Period.
I've recently gotten even more serious about my daily disciplines in the morning, and I have to say, it REALLY sets the tone for my day, getting me energized and focused, which makes chances for a healthy, wellness oriented kind of day much higher. So, here's what I do, not what you have to do, but maybe it will give you some ideas.
First I rise at 5 a.m. I grab a cup of coffee (with a little bit of Stevia In The Raw, and coconut milk). I open my bible or devotional book and spend time reading scripture and/or the devotional for the day. I spend time in silence being grateful to God for the many blessings I get daily. I pray through the things on my mind and heart.
I review my daily "to do" list. I add to it, I clarify it, I edit it. This way I'm pretty focused on the things I must accomplish that day. I also review my goals for the year, once again creating a high level of focus for me. I then spend time doing social media, posting health and wellness information to my Facebook or Twitter account.
When that's done it's time for exercise. Sometimes it's a brief 20 minute brisk walk, followed by some type of resistance workout at my house. I don't use weights, just my own body weight. Exercise really gets my energy up, the walk really gets my mind clear, and exercise always makes us feel better about ourselves when we complete it.
When it's time to shower, I crank up the tunes! I have a playlist of songs that I call "upbeat and energized". I get them going as I shower, shave and dress for work. During this time I'll often go through my personal affirmation over and over, creating more energy and more focus on the kind of person I want to be that day. As I'm driving to work, I usually continue repeating my affirmation, helping me arrive at the office in a peak mental state, ready to perform at my highest and best for the day.
Finally, at the end of the day, I work on my "to do" list for the next day and rest of the week, and right before I go to sleep, I do my "3 Gratitudes" on my iPad. That really helps me go to sleep on the best note possible, and gives me positive things to review first thing in the morning. No better way to end the day, or start the day, than with a complete spirit of thankfulness!
I hope that gives you some ideas on how you can start your day better. Try it, practice it, see what works best for you, so you can show up as YOUR highest and best every day!
Until next time...Be Well!!
Dr. Bruce
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